Wednesday, December 30, 2009

let me think...

so people...

a post on a news site today says that the folks in the USA say by 70 something percent that next year will be better than this year or another year(who knows what they are thinking)... I can guess by the poll that: A, people have been in bed loving themselves for two years or B, people are just out of this world DUMB! I'm sure a C and D choice are possible, but frankly; a bottle of Merlot to wash this 2009 and the lost decade of the 2000s away is a much better idea than even thinking up two more options for people that, frankly I've been worried about for 15 years and after a disaster 2008/2009 I don't think there is any hope for...


a haiku for you...

why wake up today
when tomorrow brings dreams hopes
cold wind blows outside

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

end of year tech and music reviews in two days

Hi all,

hope you are aok... I'll post a end of the year review on a few things in two days. I am working on a nokie E71x review but it died last night, so a positive review might get negative fast. We will see. Have a great week!


a haiku for you...

by a cold window
so,warm coffee to wake up
still dark outside now

Thursday, December 24, 2009

next year project

Hi all,
next year I hope to develop a short for my youtube channel reviewing and introducing people to Florida wines and wineries, similar to what Ralfy does on his youtube channel Ralfystuff... until then a short on the 1976 wine competition between California wines and french wines, thanks ReasonTV for the short on wine...


Merry christmas from a little green friend!

Hi all, have a great weekend!

Sent from my Nokia phone

dreams can be a thing

Hi all and Happy Holidays,
Dreams are a funny thing... last night I had my scrooge kind... a glimpse if you will of a life I can never have. Two years ago at Christmas time a Doctor let me know that I would not be able to have a traditional family and every now and then I'm reminded in dreams what life might have been like... it was hard to have that kind of dream on Christmas eve and when I'm about to drive some(no the corolla or myself didn't fair well at all!)
my Christian and Confusion beliefs do have a place for people what no traditional families but being haunted by nightmare of a life not possible is something that I have to get used to...
You and everyone; hope you have good luck and continue to learn and live happy and free to to what you like to do and get what you want and need from life.
a haiku for you...
cool wind in the woods
bringing reminders of life
some color in trees

Saturday, December 19, 2009

what is with cap city fla?! o wait, bet I can guess!

So I walk into a meeting and overheard a conversation on a "bet" that employee A said a person would get a job and employee B said they wouldn't get a job and employee B won the bet and gets a can of chewing tobacco...

now I don't know if they were betting on the job I started two weeks ago or not but can you believe the nerve of a person "betting" on jobs in this economy... people, yesterday another 400000 people went on emergency unemployment assistance... that now at around5 million out of work for over a year and the total right now in the USA is around 17 million or more!

this capital city is a nice place but frankly clueless about what is happening around the state and country and its sad really that in this economy people are as dumb as they seem to be... I mean come on its one thing not to "get it" in 2007 but by now people should know better.
a haiku for you...
in a cool valley
a bird lives quietly now
strange songs in the air

Saturday, December 5, 2009

new town, new month, new job, old news

Hi all,

Surfing at my local Starbucks for Internet so I'll be making a short update for now... I've arrived in Capital City Finally... and its good to be back in the panhandle... and its cold! I hope everyone is well and have a great Holiday Season!


a Haiku for you...
cold rainy gray sky,
and a new place to call home
nomadic life ending?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

funny fall colors...

Hi All,
a good map to get an idea on just how bad things are and how long this is/has been going on... no matter what the media reports... we are going thru something that isn't "fixed" and please everyone remember to always be able to provide food clothing and shelter for you and yours!


haiku for you...

two years after now?
will I ever trust again?
sky color for fall

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

huge huge huge update

Hi all,

hate to post this huge update right before a holiday but I hate to say it, the nightmare continues and yes the predictions are o so coming true...

link to market ticker report on the FDIC being B-R-O-K-E !!!!!...

That's right... now its just a matter of time... lets use this example: your not knowing the house is on fire and you fave show is on the TV... so you A... hope that the fire doesn't force you away from the tube before the end of your story time in front of the boob-tube.
It is all a matter of time now folks and like it not... what you have around you, who you have around you, and where you are at any given moment now becomes that much more o so important and maybe its fitting this stuff like this has happened right before Thanksgiving, maybe now you will be able to sit back and know what to be truly thankful for!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Hi all
I hope you have a great thanksgiving this year and please take time to think about the things that you take for granted and are thankful for in you travels.

and lets not forget Rocketboom's meme song for Thanksgiving...


Monday, November 23, 2009

healthcare must watch

Hi all...
a great FYI on the current health care debate in the states, hopefully this clip will make you think about this important issue regardless of what your opinion is on this very important topic... thanks to reasontv for the post...


note to the FCC and others, this blog space disclaimer

Hi all
I wanted to post this disclaimer about this blog for anyone interested and the government agencies like the FCC and Internet authorities... this is a personal blog and all opinions and comments are mine alone. No money is made from any commentary and I am not paid for any product reviews or other opinions. The advertisements to the right hand side are affiliated to the google features that they offer to add to the blog and I receive no money from those advertisements. This blog is hosted by google for free and no money is made by me on this personal blog space. Thank you

Sunday, November 22, 2009

good thing about the big city... free things to see

Hi all

yes, city life with the traffic, crime and other issues isn't for everyone, but I have nothing against visiting them from time to time to attend and photo free events like car shows and old architecture...

peace and safe travels everyone and please support great independent music!


Capital City in Two weeks?!

Hi all,

Happy Thanksgiving week to everyone. Last Friday I got some good news that I will blog and vlog about in the upcoming two weeks, I was offered a job! Yes... after a very long time looking and driving around the state, looks like I will have some work, at least for the next 7 months. After that, who knows, maybe Suzuki and Yamaha will have restarted hiring and training by then. More info to come later on topics, but I hope everyone has a safe holiday season!


haiku for you...

alone in the cold

looking at a blue sky now...

OK to dream soon?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

need a bunker to hunker?!

Hi all,

More and more numbers out and not looking good at all...

link to Roubini article in NY Daily News...

11% unemployment now and should last another Two years?! Why stop at two years, why not go out 4, 8, 16 years? Because the numbers and policies that have made this situation happen are 25+ years in the making and no one seems to get that... and the "fixes" and just making things worse in my humble opinion so if 2 years is right I'd be happy... But, This Is Not Good Folks, not good... so for Christmas this year, I'd like a Bunker to Hunker down!
Working on a post with more links on why the "fixes" are bad and why things are going to get much much worse over the next few months, years, and sadly decades in my humble opinion; I'll try not to post them around the Holidays, please people, spend time with family and friends during the holidays and "reset" you relationships with those you care about because you will need each other very very soon.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

take a day

Hi all,
Please take today to remember...

Thanks ReasonTV for a great tribute and Many thanks to all those who have served this Nation

Sunday, November 8, 2009

take steps for your health

Hi all
Many have family histories of high blood pressure... please everyone know your blood pressure and watch your diets to help control this. I know today, many foods we eat have very high sodium so please be aware of this fact. Remember, tea drinking in some cases can help as advertised in the following example short...

peace and love all and happy fall

Saturday, November 7, 2009

stormwarning FYI

hi all

looks like next week TS IDA might be visiting the FLA Panhandle...
link to storm track...

shouldn't be a big concern... cooler water temps and upper atmospheric winds should keep this mostly a rain event, but still an eye to the sky all


Friday, November 6, 2009

got 10 Friends? more than one out of work

Hi all

the official number is out and a big uptick in unemployment, official number now at 10.2 percent (but don't forget the real number is over 17%)... think of it this way. You have 10 friends, one is out of work and 2 are working with fewer hours than they want or need and another one has given up and about to jump off the bridge! These real numbers are real news and please everyone start thinking about food, clothing and shelter for you and yours!

Thanks to Market Ticker for a break down on all the info... and for making it understandable...



a haiku for you...

lost in a dark sea

unable to breath, to sleep

cool breeze, season change

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

fly me to the moon!

Hi all,
of note, every time this country has hit an economic wall like we are living in now, it expanded, explored, to get it self out of a mess(now alot of bad and broken treaties happened do to this but that is a topic for another post and the overall good hopefully balances things out on the Karma Scale)
So I say America, to get my 160 acres and a mule, in the words of the classic Frank Sinatra Song, FLY ME TO THE MOON!


Monday, October 19, 2009

kind Holiday Season wishes for you and yours

Hi all

Wanted to send out a Holiday Season Kind and Wonderful Wishes for you and yours. October, November and December have many wonderful holidays for the families' enjoyment and I hope everyone is safe and happy.

peace and love to everyone


a haiku for you...

cool wind around now

but warm memories today

and reflection here

Thursday, October 15, 2009

music Break: Huun Huur Tu

Hi All,
thanks to Echoes for the info on this super great band and music(see my blogs I follow for Echoes Blog for their recent review)

link to Band Web page with sample music playing...

A sample from YouTube...

now listen to this wonderful powerful music thinking all the wile of the truly hard questions of food clothing shelter and also while enjoying the change in weather from summer to fall!

peace love and safety for all and go get in that balloon if you want and leave the fear behind with the Robot Zombie People that forget their own humanity
A Haiku for you...
and now anger now,

but what of happiness, Friends?

cooling calming winds

Sunday, October 11, 2009

restaurant review, Schnitzelhaus German Restaurant Tampa FLA

Hi All,

My Tampa FLA friends invited me to go with them after helping them move into their new home to a local German restaurant in Tampa, Schnitzelhaus German Restaurant...


A few words... the best German food and best atmosphere in Tampa period, and one of the best restaurants in Tampa period. Please visit Schnitzelhous often to support great food and nice people! Support your local Restaurants! During Oktober Fest the restaurant has a special menu and beer on tap... you will not be disappointed by any of the food or beer selections, Enjoy!


Monday, October 5, 2009

rules for different people?

Hi Everyone,

So is it different rules for different people or rules for different people...

link to FT story on "Goldman getting 1 billion if CIT Fails, Tax payers lose 2.3 billion"

OK a quick recap/example for you... Chrysler if bought by Cerberus and others like the Retired Teachers in Indiana... Chrysler fails and instead of saling it off in a bankruptcy and the Retired Teachers and others who took a chance and helped out Chrysler when it needed it a few years ago GETTING somthing for their help, They got NOTHING, breaking many business laws in the process... (Thanks US SUPREME COURT for not hearing the case!)...

but a similar situation sets up for CIT and Goldman gets money and the US Tax payers get to pay up!

People this stuff is totally wrong, illegal, racist, elitist BS that is wrecking this Nation, A NATIONAL week long STRIKE for all people must happen and soon... trust me, they make money on you not doing anything about things and when the RULE of LAW only matters for a few people you can kiss everything you think you know and care about good BYE!
a haiku for you...
in dark waters below
lurks things unknown, things needed
to trouble kind minds

Friday, October 2, 2009

numbers numbers and a little yest vs today


let me try to make this easy(I'm off on these numbers to make the math easy to make a point) think of the total US population like this, 1/3 working ages, 1/3 older people and 1/3 children...

think of this, today (2009) we have about 100million people that can work and about 85 million that can find work and are working more or less... so about 15 million out of work

Yesterday(1999 recession to 2001) we had about 250million total population and that makes 75 million working ages and 68million that could find jobs and 7 million out of work...

WAY yesterday(1930's USA) Great D, a population around 100million, so working types around 33million and 9 million out of work

Other things to think about, today we have less people working in the USA but a population 30 million people larger than 2000

Thanks to Mark Farber and Market Ticker for reporting on this important topic... link to stories on the real numbers and interpretations... this job market and wages story is a huge story that few know just how bad it really is and this problem has been growing for over 15 years!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

30% cuts before its too late!

Hi all,
This is a longer clip, but so important to watch... Senator Coburn continues to be one of the few voices getting this information out

30% cuts now on ALL Government Spending has to happen now! we wait too long and Gore Vidal is right in his prediction that we will be a military dictatorship in the very near future!

link to Gore Vidal story... I do not agree with all his reasons why we are here, but I do agree with his outlook for the future...

Thoughts and prayers for everyone and hope you have a great and safe October!

Monday, September 28, 2009

art and other things

Please everyone,
wake and fall in love again with something, with art, with emotions, with travel, with craftsmanship, with freedom... find a passion and love it! look at your car as more...

a haiku for you...
cool air around now
changes in everything now
ideas remain now

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Update on Econ meeting

Hi all,
A long clip at 10 minutes, but well worth your time for another take on the news of the recent Pitts G20 meeting...


a Haiku for you...
Cool wind this morning
can one believe the eyes now
what is real of fake?

Friday, September 25, 2009

this must have an explanation now! Updated 9/26

Hi all,
The following clip is very disturbing from the G20 protests and riots in Pits PA... now if this is a real thing it must be explained now. The US military cannot act like local police in America unless a declared war is going on and martial law is declared I believe. Now an undeclared war on terror exists, so correct me if I'm wrong about this, if Pitts is under Martial Law and the person being taken away is a foreign National that is the only explanation that can maybe justify this scene. The Media must research this and find the person taken away, the American people must know more information on this clip and if it is real.

Do not misunderstand... I support the military, always have, I'm a member of the USNI and I give to the USO at Christmas, but this scene is something that must have an explanation now for the future of the Constitution and the rule of law as we think we know it being maintained for the future.

update... has been alot of talk on this clip and many are thinking what I was thinking, didn't look real... car had no gov Tag... uniforms didn't have MP... stuff like that... but that doesn't explain the police that seemed to allow the car to enter the area... so like I said above, I'd love for the media to follow up on this and say if its real or not...
link to a story thinking this is not real...

spain now, others tomorrow?

Hi all,

An FYI for you, Spain has slipped into economic depression. A link to a UK Telegraph story on this topic...

This is a very important story for all western nations to pay attention to right now...

Have a good weekend and please pray for the protesters all around the world


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

not yet ready to let this go

No No No All,
I'm not over the auto industry situation by a long shot, and the fact that my future career is on hold because of this stuff doesn't make me want to just "move on" to the latest reality TV or next issue of the day, and yes yes yes, I am keeping up on all the new news, but I want to revisit this issue from time to time to remind everyone just how important this story is...

if you have the time, a two part interview that gets into alot of real good info if your interested...

Thanks reason for this interview and best wishes to everyone always

senate info/update

Hi all,
lots of activity in Washington DC as congress is back in session... if you have a few minutes, senator Coburn's comments are well worth your time.

peace and love to all and have a good day and rest of week

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

a great song with a great youtube short

Hi all,
Here is a youtube short for the song "Mistake" from Moby's new album Wait For Me... one of my fav songs. Hope you like it and please everyone support music and your local artists when you can


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

don't get distracted

Hi all,
Well, lots of news, and its hard not to find yourself getting distracted by this story or that and losing site of the big picture... try to stay focused as much as you can on what is happening, thanks to the marketticker for all his research and being a member Of the Escambia Amateur Astronomers Association, I can tell you one thing for sure... hard to argue with Mathematics!


Friday, September 11, 2009

a day to know

hi all,

please remember today and more importantly, why today is remembered.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

fyi on freedom of information

Hi all,
this month and next(and the next several years for that matter) will have much news to follow on the financial systems of the US and other members of the G20... please get your information from as many sources as you can and look at facts as much as possible as you formulate your opinions and stands on issues...

peace, love and friendship always

this month 3 important things to watch!!!

Hi all,
The following is a long presentation at 9 minutes, but well worth your time... please please please watch this month, alot of things are moving and not sure how much "news" this stuff is making but it is so important to know about.

haiku for you...
and now the wind blows
sadness in the air today
a lost thought, feeling

Sunday, August 30, 2009

big DPJ win, now some real "change" coming?

congratulations to the DPJ party in Japan on their election win. This is a historic event and only time will tell how things go... best of luck and congratulations


and from the market ticker blog...

A haiku for you...

as the long day ends,

now thoughts turn to tomorrow

a red sky at night

Friday, August 28, 2009

ninjas! Thanks youtube!

Hi all
A youtube movie for you... I've always liked classic ninja movies and these guys do a great job in my humble opinion in making a comedy/classic interp of the classic movies so many of us grew up with sat mornings early...hope you enjoy it and have a great weekend (only thing,wish they would have broke it up into 4 parts for easier youtubeloading)


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

good to know about this

Hi All

I know the following YouTube presentation is long at ten minutes, but I thought you might like to know an example of what whistle-blowers go thru and the risks it is to go against a big bureaucracy. check it out if you have the time and best wishes always to everyone


Thursday, August 13, 2009

our lost decade?!

So some numbers for you,
we now have less people working/employed now than in 1999... so the last 10 years have seen no increase net/gross in jobs.

This past 10 years was basically the last decade of working for the baby boom... think about this, a 20-40 year old is more productive than a 50 to 70 year old simply based on hours able to work, health etc. These are just generalizations of course, but something for you to think about as more and more information and numbers come out on the economy over the next few weeks and months. Know your info and get info from many sources and talk to friends and family about things happening.


Friday, August 7, 2009

clunk Q FYI, thanks Reason!

I'll have a blog on the o-town trip this weekend, with state road 50 road report and some photos... in the mean time, thanks to ReasonTV for BREAKING DOWN cash for clunkers...

peace and love to all and remember, please stay informed and pray for all those hurt by violent acts every day

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

brave journalist update two

Some possible good news...early reports that President Bill Clinton's unannounced state visit to North Korea has resulted in the release of two brave journalists; Also... please continue to keep all those still held in terror and sadness all around the world in your thoughts and prayers during these perilous times.

Monday, July 27, 2009

so, who still makes that "first" bike?

What, no more Blast now, a bike that many have leaned/learned on and owned as a first bike? A 500 cc basic ride that had good reliability, OK handling, lightweight, low ride heights and don't let me forget 70+ mpg.

Check it out at Buell Blast Buell Motorcycles

so In My Humble O-Pine Buell decides to give this market to other bikes, other companies that with a good "intro" bike a customer might want to stick with that company... I know, Buell said that the people and buyers saw Buell as only making the Blast and nothing else, but come on... are the customers really that dumb not to understand a complete model line up?!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

always get a second o pine! updated 8-4-09

Good morning,
I want everyone to understand something... please get as much info as you can on important topics of the day and bills congress and the president are working on... the following clip is from an ABC show with no balance, no other side, just the presidents views on health care, luckily, they did let in some very important questions and the president's answer must be heard by everyone

I don't like going politically on my blog, so I'll keep my views to myself on this, maybe he misunderstood the question, but on page 420 or something of the proposed bill, "end of life care" issues are raised and Canada and England do stop and ration health care for older citizens, not enough money to keep to old people going I guess; but another shocking development in this story/debate/whaterveryouwant to call it, yesterday(8-4-2009) a story started that the White House wanted to know who on the Internet, e-mails and blogs, was against their plan for health care reform... so if they want to know who they are then what?! Should I flag myself with this blog posting?! (BTW to be a snitch, send your spy reports to
What will they do with that list of bloggers and e-mailers I wonder... thank God I'm underemployed and basically homeless so there isn't much more they can take from me... who knows maybe they are making a list for a future camp for people like me

link to clip on White House Internet "watching" story...

peace and love to everyone


Monday, July 20, 2009

Landing site 40 years ago

thanks to all the brave men and woman that made Apollo 11 possible so many years ago.


moon in the mind today

Hi all,
1969 today humans for a second in time found something...

place above so bright
frozen in time, journeys end
beginning of dreams?

thanks to all those who made the moon landings possible so long ago and shame on humanity for forgetting what it means to be human


Saturday, July 18, 2009

beer review, Kona Brewing Co's Fire Rock Pale Ale

Hi Everyone,
I tried out a new beer this week, Fire Rock Pale Ale from the Kona Brewing Co from Hawaii... a super product, great quality from first impression, great fresh taste and flavor and excellent color. Publix has a coupon available for $3 off a salty snack purchase when you buy two six packs of a Kona Brewing Co Product, the Pale Ale was on sale so I tried that one and got some snack chips for lunches. Publix offers one other Kona Brewing Co product, Longboard Island lager that I will try at a later date

This is one of the best beers and pale ales' I've had to date and I highly recommend this beer and can't wait to try other brews from this company


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

new Moby album out

Moby has a new album out, wait for me, available at his web site, this is in my opinion is one of his best yet. The download quality is excellent and the cost isn't bad at all(cheaper than seeing a movie, which I decided not to see to get this music, I'll catch Up on DVD or blueray around Christmas hopefully, a music album will last much longer than seeing a movie once in my life in my opinion.)

I'm still listening to it, but my first impressions have been great overall sound, subdued and melancholy are just a few ideas/words that might describe it.

Dog interviews Little Idiot on bug planet from Moby on Vimeo.

have a great weekend everyone!


Friday, July 3, 2009

have a great Independence Day everyone

Hi All
hope you have a great Independence Day weekend. Please remember why tomorrow is a holiday and keep in your minds the status of the people in Honduras and Iran and North Korea as we take tomorrow to celebrate the birth of our Nation.

Daniel Hannan, member of the European Parliament, has a wonderful talk on many things important for us this weekend, if you have time over the next few days, please take a look and listen. Sometimes it takes an outsider to see the truth that we miss in our day to day lives.


haiku for you...

in a choppy sea

angry dark sky overhead

a small boat moves on

Saturday, June 27, 2009

and all the king's horses and all the king's men...

And just like that, with the help of 10 turncoats (8 who voted for and 2 who didn't bother showing up to vote)another bill that will change the country as you know it has passed the House of Representatives. EVEN GREENPEACE was AGAINST this bill! While it has a slim chance of passing the Senate, it could have been stopped yesterday. For god-sakes, another bill they didn't even read!

Thanks MM for the updates and keeping the USA informed


please everyone, inform yourselves and get good information and research what is happening... my personal views are it will take two or three generations to fix things and return some type of freedom back to the USA, I hope I'm wrong and from time to time I see positive signs, but with the debt we are in now, its hard to stay optimistic and I wonder just how it will and who will put it back-together-again

I'll blog more on the debt and how we will be able to pay it back in the next few days and weeks.


A haiku for you...
lost in the tall grass
looking, watching for a time
a storm cloud above

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

if we can keep it!

Dear Friends,

this week will be a historic week for the direction and future of our country, please use books, YouTube, tweeter and blogs to stay informed about what is happening right now... you can look back and educate yourself on how we got here, but understanding where we are right now is o so important, because the decisions that are being made here in the present will not only change your life as you've known it, but it will change the next two generations so much I can only begin to explain in this forum.



Friday, June 19, 2009

soymilk review

Hi all,

got a new product review for you, publix"green wise market" brand soy milk... to sum up quickly... its great!, as good if not better than silk and about $.30 cheaper regular price... and with the weekly sales publix is known for, it can be up to $.70 less or more than competition. I get the "light" to watch the sugar amount, but I've tried regular as well and again, its great and I highly recommend it. Three kinds are available, regular, chocolate, vanilla and light versions of the chocolate and vanilla available as well and pictured above.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

so important!

Hi all, I know you all are busy but please find 20 minutes and watch Dr Coburn's testimony on the important topic of health care in America.




Monday, June 8, 2009

brave journalist update

hi all,

please keep the brave journalists ms lee and ms ling in your prayers... they have been sentenced to 12 years in a labor camp by the North Korea government. They were captured after crossing into the country to report on conditions in the former hermit kingdom... they are truly brave people and true journalists telling stories well all need to be aware of.



Friday, June 5, 2009

real numbers on jobs

Hi all,

wanted to get some real info out on unemployment numbers right now in the USA


we are at 16% right now real numbers according to some info and the Numbers are growing at a much higher rate than reported by the MSM.

I'll continue to research and let you know more soon if possible.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Day Today!

Hi all,

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu festival and the Kodomo no Hi festival and the Tet Doan Ngo festival

Everyone, continued happy wishes to you and your families

Info links...



some haiku for a wonderful day... and you as well ;-)

a cool rain today
learning of a brave poet
remembered today
ultimate gift gave
to a nation and people
a day remembered

break in the weather
boat races, sticky rice treats
sea dragon appeased

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

another brave Journalist

Hi all,
found a story over on NHK world on another brave true journalist, putting her life on the line every day to get the real news out for the people. Her name is Assal Emad, a reporter from Iraq. Thanks NHK for this profile story.



Saturday, May 23, 2009

sad news from SouKor regarding Roh

Hi all,

Sad news today from the ROK... he was a brave man that did alot of good, the possible bad should not let people forget the good, and the bad is just that, a possible and not proven!

I do hope that this news stops any UN-truths and slander that has attacked his name and his family for these past few years. Having been slandered by lies myself, I do not believe "Dante's" ideas will haunt him in the end, but who knows.


RIP... the work you did will be remembered and the lies(if they are lies) go away now!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a haiku for you! (I am working on them you know)

Make that three haiku for you :-)

few sips of red wine
cool air after the storm front...

what path to take now?

earth replenished by rain
seeing life return to land...

but what dreams left now?

and a week of rain
a week of changes, challenge...

and what dreams, lives, now?

four more posts on the way soon, hope all is well for everyone always



Friday, May 15, 2009

hope she is free #2

update Two...

American journalist Roxana Saberi is free and recouping in Europe... please MSM, back off and let her some some time... remember, she is a Journalist and will report the story when she is ready

Hats off and many thanks to all the real journalists putting their lives on the line every day to report real news about real stories.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

has the MSM lost its mind?! or is it just us?

Hi all,

What a story on what the media and I guess some in the public thinks on "pay" and other things in human life

link to story on plane crash in upstate NY a few weeks back and its investigation,2933,520097,00.html

Again, like the Chy Co story and some other current stories right now in the media, I'm at a loss for words, and that's not a good thing for writing a blog


BTW, MSM is main stream media... thanks to the Internet, we can get our news and info from other places

Sunday, May 10, 2009

a great sitcom

hi all,

a link to the story of the making of a great show from the bbc back in the 70's...

Fawlty Towers, so glad it was made

Cheers all and happy mothers day!


Monday, May 4, 2009

transportation safty for all, we can help

Hi all,

I want to let you know about Michelle's Yeoh's project to bring attention to the unsafe roads in the developing world.


This is an important cause and topic, as the third world continues to develop and improve their transportation roads and infrastructure... it is important for them not to make the unsafe early mistakes the west made as we developed one hundred years ago. The lessons have been learned and it is up to us to help out and teach and share the lessons... good for us in both moral and business ways and good for the third world to move fast into clean and safe living.

safety for babies everywhere should be the goal


Sunday, May 3, 2009

restaurant review two, yokohama japanese restaurant sushi bar

Hi all,

This weekend I was invited by my best friend and his fiance' in Brandon FLA to go with them and another nice couple to Yokohama Japanese Restaurant Sushi Bar in Brandon Florida. This family owned small restaurant is one of the best sushi places I've come across in my travels yet.
They were very busy (good sign) food was fresh and had many great flavors. Service was good and friendly, they were very busy, so a little bit slow, but totally worth the wait time and being as busy as they were totally understandable. Menu selection was extensive but not overwhelming or repetitive. Sushi rolls were a good size and portions overall were very nice and a great value overall.


If you are ever in this area, I recommend this place highly and many thinks to my friends and the restaurant for a nice time out.
a haiku for you...
good happy family
making food with their hearts, hands
a wonderful meal