Saturday, March 21, 2009

watch your step

a sign of the economic trouble?... Florida rest areas on the interstate system seem to be a little bit dirtier than usual... even the I-10 rest areas aren't up to the same level of cleanliness they are known for. Don't worry, its not too bad and at least we have stops on the interstate, more than I can say about the neighbors GA and AL... but that said, if you've got to go, watch your step!

a haiku for you...
traveling is hard
an unknown destination
what path to take now?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

beware being alone in this economy!

Hi all,

Don't want this to be a downer posting, but after 15 years of researching and watching like a hawk the past two years... during this economic time, try not to alone... know where your family is, know who your friends are...

cultures so "awash" in money needs... to live, to be, to make an identity so too speak... will be hit hard over the next few years. None of this is new... history is filled with times of economic turmoil...

but its alot easier to read about history than to live through something as difficult as losing everything you've come to think of as "you" "yourself" or "who you are"

keep your minds clear and family and friends close for the next few years and have one thing to live for, one thing to dream about, and keep informed and knowledgeable about both the past present and keep working for a better future...


sad link on a culture that was "infected" with a western idea if self based on money.... a spiritual side will keep you ok, along with music ,family and friends
a haiku for you...
I hear the clock, Tick
for time is all taking, tock
it ends, begins, Tick

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

posting for next 3 weeks and a quick update


Its going to be a crazy few weeks, I'll try to post but might be April before things get back to normal with computer/writing time.

Hope everyone is well. A fast update... searching, moving, training, researching, and not much else... haiku and photography are on hold... still finalizing the Vlog over at my YouTube channel and hope to get a twice a month Vlog thing going over at the channel late spring.

Best wishes always to everyone,


a haiku for you...
And time, is it real?
but without time, can we be?
time, the only way?