Tuesday, November 24, 2009

huge huge huge update

Hi all,

hate to post this huge update right before a holiday but I hate to say it, the nightmare continues and yes the predictions are o so coming true...

link to market ticker report on the FDIC being B-R-O-K-E !!!!!...

That's right... now its just a matter of time... lets use this example: your not knowing the house is on fire and you fave show is on the TV... so you A... hope that the fire doesn't force you away from the tube before the end of your story time in front of the boob-tube.
It is all a matter of time now folks and like it not... what you have around you, who you have around you, and where you are at any given moment now becomes that much more o so important and maybe its fitting this stuff like this has happened right before Thanksgiving, maybe now you will be able to sit back and know what to be truly thankful for!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Hi all
I hope you have a great thanksgiving this year and please take time to think about the things that you take for granted and are thankful for in you travels.

and lets not forget Rocketboom's meme song for Thanksgiving...


Monday, November 23, 2009

healthcare must watch

Hi all...
a great FYI on the current health care debate in the states, hopefully this clip will make you think about this important issue regardless of what your opinion is on this very important topic... thanks to reasontv for the post...


note to the FCC and others, this blog space disclaimer

Hi all
I wanted to post this disclaimer about this blog for anyone interested and the government agencies like the FCC and Internet authorities... this is a personal blog and all opinions and comments are mine alone. No money is made from any commentary and I am not paid for any product reviews or other opinions. The advertisements to the right hand side are affiliated to the google features that they offer to add to the blog and I receive no money from those advertisements. This blog is hosted by google for free and no money is made by me on this personal blog space. Thank you

Sunday, November 22, 2009

good thing about the big city... free things to see

Hi all

yes, city life with the traffic, crime and other issues isn't for everyone, but I have nothing against visiting them from time to time to attend and photo free events like car shows and old architecture...

peace and safe travels everyone and please support great independent music!


Capital City in Two weeks?!

Hi all,

Happy Thanksgiving week to everyone. Last Friday I got some good news that I will blog and vlog about in the upcoming two weeks, I was offered a job! Yes... after a very long time looking and driving around the state, looks like I will have some work, at least for the next 7 months. After that, who knows, maybe Suzuki and Yamaha will have restarted hiring and training by then. More info to come later on topics, but I hope everyone has a safe holiday season!


haiku for you...

alone in the cold

looking at a blue sky now...

OK to dream soon?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

need a bunker to hunker?!

Hi all,

More and more numbers out and not looking good at all...

link to Roubini article in NY Daily News...

11% unemployment now and should last another Two years?! Why stop at two years, why not go out 4, 8, 16 years? Because the numbers and policies that have made this situation happen are 25+ years in the making and no one seems to get that... and the "fixes" and just making things worse in my humble opinion so if 2 years is right I'd be happy... But, This Is Not Good Folks, not good... so for Christmas this year, I'd like a Bunker to Hunker down!
Working on a post with more links on why the "fixes" are bad and why things are going to get much much worse over the next few months, years, and sadly decades in my humble opinion; I'll try not to post them around the Holidays, please people, spend time with family and friends during the holidays and "reset" you relationships with those you care about because you will need each other very very soon.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

take a day

Hi all,
Please take today to remember...

Thanks ReasonTV for a great tribute and Many thanks to all those who have served this Nation

Sunday, November 8, 2009

take steps for your health

Hi all
Many have family histories of high blood pressure... please everyone know your blood pressure and watch your diets to help control this. I know today, many foods we eat have very high sodium so please be aware of this fact. Remember, tea drinking in some cases can help as advertised in the following example short...

peace and love all and happy fall

Saturday, November 7, 2009

stormwarning FYI

hi all

looks like next week TS IDA might be visiting the FLA Panhandle...
link to storm track...

shouldn't be a big concern... cooler water temps and upper atmospheric winds should keep this mostly a rain event, but still an eye to the sky all


Friday, November 6, 2009

got 10 Friends? more than one out of work

Hi all

the official number is out and a big uptick in unemployment, official number now at 10.2 percent (but don't forget the real number is over 17%)... think of it this way. You have 10 friends, one is out of work and 2 are working with fewer hours than they want or need and another one has given up and about to jump off the bridge! These real numbers are real news and please everyone start thinking about food, clothing and shelter for you and yours!

Thanks to Market Ticker for a break down on all the info... and for making it understandable...



a haiku for you...

lost in a dark sea

unable to breath, to sleep

cool breeze, season change