Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thanks UDON!

Hi all

included in the street fighter legend of chun li movie realised last year and now available as a DVD is a DVD bonus DVD with Udon comic's street fighter series realised back in 2004 with live actors voices, music and sound effects.

This DVD is great and a must have for all street fighter fans. Udon's art was beautiful in the comics and wonderfully translated to the DVD. The actors voices matched the characters well and the music was spot on. The quality of the translation was great and the stories for Ryu, Ken, Guile and Chun li and the other characters was terrific.

Street fighter and the story is a must for people to know about in today's society... we are all being attracted by criminal organizations like Shadowloo and constantly under the attacks of psyco-power in the form of media stories and culture propaganda we are living in now and the more you know the better.

Thanks Udon for a great comic series and DVD bonus!

a haiku for you...
a hero is you
only if you know things now
dark skies all around

not the best person to have at a bbq... or the best to have at the bbq!

Hi all... well more and more huge economy stories out... thanks to the market ticker for keeping this info coming...

I want everyone to stay informed... in my opinion, this economy is and has been in a death spiral and millions of lives have been affected already and if you have been lucky and not experienced and trouble... please use this time to prepare yourself to be able to provide food clothing and shelter for yourself and the people you care about.

I was at a BBQ Friday night and I am shocked at the lack of knowledge and passion people seem to have for this topic. One woman when I was describing the homeless problem in major American cities and how the new homeless are professional Americans with families and college educations, she said basically the it was a good idea to be day laborers and live in state parks with internet. I am shocked that people don't realize that they are becoming modern day slaves, willing to give up any idea of freedom just to eat, to have shelter, or clothing... I was very careful in trying to explain things at the BBQ but like the dinner party I attended last year while Americans were being beaten in the streets of Pittsburgh, woman being dragged from their bikes and beat by heavy set police officers, the attendees to the dinner party last year didn't know about the unfolding events and supported "law and order" not realizing that real law and order doesn't mean living with no freedom. Hard to be a good guest with my eyes wide opened!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

nbc you lost me at Raines, got me back for 7 months, now no more!

Hi all... I always loved Conan on lateshow and now with the tonightshow... he was the funniest since Johny bar non. And with younger people with DVR and Internet, I'm convinced that his numbers are better than Jay and the buck tooth wonder and in a few years after the boomers and their tired tastes finally stop counting as much... Conan would have been much more appreciated IMO.
Thanks Rocketboom for covering this story...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

recap... win to fail to win to epic fail

Hi all
what a week... some wins, some fails and its the weekend so still more time to get in more wins and more fails!

Thanks rocketboom for the info...

a haiku for you...
strange weather today
and what will the future bring
cloudy skies, cool breeze

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

why I don't vote!

Hi all,
I don't vote anymore and I call on anyone that works for the government to turn in your voter registration cards and take no action in voting for someone that can give you a job and raise in pay. I believe the government should be answerable to the people and if you are are a servant of the people you must answer to their will. If I ever get a job again in the private sector, then I will again take up my civic duty and vote, but until that day I am a servant of the people and have no say in my pay or job.

for Dr King

Hi all
Thanks Allen West for the speech and please remember Dr Kings message in your life. Pray for peace and love for all people and a rebirth of our society and what it can be.


clean and make babies for Feb 14th

Hi all...
if you are celebrating lunar new year this year... it will be the year of the Tiger... make sure you clean up your home and car before Feb 14th; Also if you have someone in your life you love, make a baby! only having a family and making babies will save this county and world from living in tyranny and slavery for the next 200 years! If you can't have kids, think about adopting or if that isn't an option, support friends that you have that have kids and families, protect them... Confucius teaches that if you don't have kids you can still help out your society by being protectors for the real true people that have families and kids.


Monday, January 18, 2010

haiti earthquake 2010

Hi all...
thanks to rocketboom for the info and if you want to give to the Haitian people... please if possible give to charities already working in Haiti, an example...



e-mail blogs and off day or day off? what a week

Hi all
working on a blog for Udon's comic translation to DVD, blogs on the employment situation and Haiti's earthquake and aftermath and vlogs too... not sure if I'm off work today, but if I am I might be able to get alot of computer work in.
Thoughts and prayers for those in Haiti and all around the world living in dangerous conditions.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I just love the day...

I post that should have gone up yesterday... 01 11 10 or backwards its 01 11 10 neat o daddy o

Friday, January 8, 2010

ice later today?

Hope everyone is aok and warm... its cold in cap city and it will be for a few more days... will take the photomaking machine today and might get some photos of snow and ice in the area.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

cold in cap city fla usa!

Well cold and rainy for the past week has become the norm, but this week is something else... teens, flurries and highs not much past 40 are all around for the next several days. I think I should move back to FLA USA!? Wait didn't I like the cold?

a haiku for you...

a cold morning now

tomorrow a cold morning

what will next year bring?
and thanks rocketboom for the news!


Friday, January 1, 2010

day late end of 09 review, tech music info and haiku for you!

Hi all,

Well I end the year with a few reviews... for tech, upgraded from the N75 to the E71x and its aok so far... its a smarty phone that I use for everything basically. Sound quality is great, screen and pic quality is good and the GPS feature is ok(?) I'm not paying 9 a month extra for it so after the trial its gone but I am looking at other GPS options for my job. A possible negative that I hope doesn't happen again, after 3 weeks my phone just died! Never had that happen before, the second one I picked up Tuesday seems better so fingers crossed the e 71x is as good as my N75 was... I miss you music clam shell man!


For 2009 music, not much new with all the running around, but the New Moby Album is great and Ravens and Vultures Last love I picked up Christmas 08 for 7 is still one of the best albums I've got in the digital magic music boxes...


For info... please everyone visit max keiser, steve keen, karl deeneger's market ticker and others... lots of info on the web that the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about and 2010 is going to be a big year and information about what is happening is so needed!


and now a New Year Haiku for You!

a cool breeze in air

a difficult journey now

unable to know

peace and love everyone and best wishes for you in 2010
