Tuesday, December 21, 2010

lunar eclipse 2010

hi all and happy winter!

woke up at 2:30 am to experience a lunar eclipse, peaking around 3:15am, on winter solstice... an event that doesn't happen all that often, and in Florida getting clear skies is another challenge. overall it was stunning with clear skies, slow motion "wow" and "neat o's" all were said out loud. only mistake was walking out the door with out my tripod adapter for my camera! so my shots were free hand, not the best but OK for the web.

have a wonderful winter season and stay warm!

a haiku for you
cold morning, clear sky
lost and alone always now
only sky dreams now

Sunday, December 19, 2010

good morning and blog talk radio today at 9am est

hi everyone good morning,

I have a blogtalkradio show today at 9am, then two shows back on Wed nights at 11pm.

not much to say, hope I can fill the 30 min show today... lots of news but hard to explain it all.

have a good day and Happy Holidays everyone!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

crazy news and toys and tech updates later

hi all good morning,

This kind of madness has to stop. Woman and people cannot be treated like this! How can we be called civilized if this continues. Please make a stand and stop being treated like criminals and stand up for reason, commonsense and human decency

link to story on Indian ambassador being violated at American airport, thanks ABC news for the story

Also, I will be in a toys for tots motorcycle ride tomorrow and I will have a special addition blog talk radio show with my new technology tomorrow afternoon, I'll post links later.

Have a great weekend!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Now at #BooksAMillion in Tally,the pumpkin spice frap is great!Hope everyone has a great weekend!-z-

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hi everyone,tonight in tallahassee FL, visit the Maclay Gardens State Park for a Holiday event, its free with live music and is from 6pm to 9pm est! Cheers -z-

Monday, November 29, 2010

4pm for the SEC champ game, you guys are welcome to stop by, tigers meatballs and yardbird in redwine-z-

Sunday, November 28, 2010

wake up and learn about real news

hi all,
please everyone get as much info as you can on many topics! have a great day -z-

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hi Tallahassee friends and family, have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow and holiday weekend! -z-

Sunday, November 21, 2010

happy holidays 2010 and show 6

hi all,
next week is thanksgiving 2010 and christmas 2010 is right around the corner, please everyone have a wonderful and safe holiday season and remember those that need help and please help out in any way you can.
my 6th blog talk radio show is on live in a half hour and will be available archived to listen too a few hours after, see http://www.blogtalkradio.com/docrobphotostop for more info. topics tonight are food banks in florida and helping out during the holiday season see
http://www.fafb.org/uploadedFiles/File/FAFBMap2010.pdf for more info and locations of florida's 15 food banks.

have a great evening!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

weekend music break!

Hi all,
Thanks Tay for the great music for this morning! please everyone support your local musician!-z-

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Now watching the 2009 docu"The End of the Line"by film maker Robert Murray on Sundance channel;This is a must watch for everyone!Thanks and please understand -z-
All of CapCity FLA is at the new Publix grandopening, i don't blaim em. Have a good vets day!-z-

Sunday, November 7, 2010

important must watch! Wed last week is a day in history people!

Hi all,
most have missed this story... thanks marketticker tickerguy for this important must see video...please people get informed and learn ASAP!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

how much time will 600 billion get ya?

so this week the fed said anther in 600 billion for combating the debt deflation death spiral the nation has been in for over a decade now. it makes you mad to hear the "talking fools" in the mainstream media report on these stories, check the links out below and thanks to max and stacy for the link and reports on this -z-

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

neat, but no go with prop 19 done, sad for CA and FLA

hi all

thanks reasonTV for the info, wish more people would learn and talk before judging

5 k for charity tomorrow and talking tonight!

Hi all,

wow, what a day! bet you didn't even know about another 600 billion gone but hey what's 600 billion among friends?! What is that 600 hundred billion of stuff you say?! find out tonight at 11pm est on my blog talk radio show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/docrobphotostop

also, wish me luck, I'm running tomorrow morning for charity! 10 bucks and 5k for the folks! help out in any way you can, so many people are going hungry in this county now.

peace and love always


well said Reason, knew I felt the same this morning

Just like a few years ago, you wake up after election night and its the same old same old... the "Godzilla" that has been after the country for 30 years keeps on stepping on the villages... hope you don't lose everything like I did in 2006/2007.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election night@CapCityFLA! Beer,Fried Rice,conversation&C-SPAN all night long!national holiday for yah!Door's open to all the folks see!-z

must watch if you want to know more and don't vote today!

Hi all,
yes, I don't think you should vote UNLESS you know what is really going on in the country and with the people you support. if you know what your doing, then vote, if not then don't.

Monday, November 1, 2010

1979 all over again I bet ya in more ways than one

Hi all,
I'll blogtalkradio this Wed on this topic, enjoy life, food and poems why you can and educate yourself over at http://market-ticker.org/

Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween tonight!

Hi all
Have a safe Halloween tonight! thanks Tay for the Poe poem for the season

Hi CapCity folks,last of the OcktoberFest dinners about done! Cheers and happy Halloween and doors always open to everyone-z-

Friday, October 29, 2010

10 years already?!

Hi all, 10 years, WOW! ASimO continues to inspire our dreams. Thanks to everyone, MechaG and I salute you ASIMO!

great FYI on how your vote is already known!

Hi all,
Thanks reasontv for this great info! wake up and many thanks to youtube and reasontv and everyone else out in the world fighting for humanity!-z-

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Think'n a pumpkin soup/FL amendment talk/beer tast'n dinner this Fri or Sat if anyone is interested let me know, cheers and best wishes everyone!-z-

great watch, thanks max and stacy and show tonight!

Hi All,
please check out the keiser report and on the edge with max keiser when you get a chance, thanks so much to max and stacy for all you do, more info at http://maxkeiser.com/
Also, I have my first 30 minute blog talk radio show on tonight,more info at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/docrobphotostop
have a good day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

another great story for our state to research!

hi all,
thanks reason.com for a great story and please people wake up and learn as much as you can!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

great debate for our state as well

Hi all,
Thanks to reason for showing both sides of this debate. please inform yourself and make up your own mind on so many important topics.

Friday, October 22, 2010

please protect our Manatees!

Hi all,

Florida has many wonderful sea creatures, including the manatee also known as the sea cow and mermaid by drunk sailors. Please watch out and watch your speed while boating to protect our sea creatures.

Thanks NHK for a wonderful story on manatees and or more information, please check out http://www.savethemanatee.org/

Have a wonderful weekend! -z-

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

show two tonight and support your local musicians!

Hi all,
Thanks market ticker Karl Denninger http://market-ticker.org/ for the local band link and my show number two is on tonight over at blog talk radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/docrobphotostop if your interested. support your local musicians and artists!

Cheers and best rest of the week to you all.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

good interview and ideas are color blind

hi all,
thanks to ReasonTV for this interview and super great topic

Octoberfest food continues and my talk radio show starts tonight!

Hi all,

wanted to let you know that if your around CapitalCity FLA today I will be making Oktoberfest meal again today and I also wanted to let you know I'm starting my blog talk Internet radio show tonight at 11pm if your interested please see http://www.blogtalkradio.com/docrobphotostop

Have a great rest of the weekend and good week next week


right on baby... poetry for your education

Good morning all
Poetry for your morning my friends and your continued waking up...-z-

Saturday, October 16, 2010

make the right choice!

Hi all, good morning,
our fishing stocks are under huge pressure and we are so close as a people to losing our ability to harvest fish. please inform yourself to this important topic. thank you rocketboom.com for this important update.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

working on a few posts to wrap things up

Hi all,

I've had a very busy weekend and past few months, hope to have some posts for you to recap and inform on some things I've observed and had to cope with very soon. I do hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season this year.

Cheers all and best wishes always


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Good morn'n Tally friends, this week's meal tonight is meatloaf night in CapCity, should be done around 7:30pm... Happy October Fest and Cheers!-z-

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

gone to far

hi all,
a shocking campaign is on educating about climate change. as some of you know I chose my line of work to work in biological and environmental fields, not much money back in this, but I knew that much work needs to be done after so many years of societal growth and pollution. but for some to call for such terrible violence to solve environmental issues is totally wrong. there is nothing wrong with people wanting to live in a clean way and humans evolving to use less, but violence is never a good way to go and it just discredits good work being done in the environmental and clean human movement. Thanks Alex and James and infowars.com for this update.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

still going on!

Hi all
Thanks to max and stacy for this important info and talking about this for a long time and yes, this problem is still going on! learn up folks!

Friday, October 1, 2010

a new month, and happy fall

Hi all,

Have a great next few months with the many holidays and cooler temps. Please remember the food banks and other charities that will help people during the holidays and other trying times. I will begin training today oct 1st for a 5k run for a charity event in mid-November and will make can good donations over the next few months. It's not much, but its something and I hope you join me in doing what you can.

peace and love to you all always


Saturday, September 25, 2010

restaurant review, johny's pizza over by redbrick brewery

Hi all,

if you're ever in Atlanta for the Red Brick Brewery tour, be sure to check out Johny's Pizza. The pizza quality, ingredients and price was all super great. The service and atmosphere was one of the best in Atlanta.

cheers and please support local restaurants and businesses!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

great idea for a bachalor party

Hi all,

two weekends ago a friend of mine from work invited me to attend his bachelor party. it wasn't your traditional idea of a bachelor party. we traveled from our CapCity to another CapCity in a neighboring state and also visited Athens as well to see and tour two breweries, Red Brick in Atlanta and Terrapin in Athens.
in next few days I'll review the trip starting with redbrick in Atlanta followed by a Atlanta pizza place and finishing with terrapin in Athens.
links to a few places visited on the trip...
have a great fall everyone, please keep learning in all your activities.

remember them beats more than them boomers!

hi all, more proof that that baby boomers are just a poor copy of a human generation and they should keep learning from the beats a few years older... thanks reasontv! -z-

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

important perspective

hi all, please consider all information and perspectives as you research and open your minds to other cancer treatment and treatment for other illnesses. Thank you -z-

Test'n One Two Three! Now watch'n Food Inc., thanks Netflix!-z-

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

thanks charlyne yi

hi all, this makes my laugh, please people, support your local artists!-z-

super recap for some of news from past2 years

hi, well worth the 10 minutes if you havn't kept up on the news for the past few years. get all news you can and study up folks...

great show on the 'tube

hi all, rocketboom is live tonight, 10est on youtube! catch it, great stuff and information and news by some great people!-z-

Thursday, September 9, 2010

take a trip, donate a item

hi all,
many of us once a month try to take a day trip/mini-vacation around our communities or if we are lucky enough to a far off place. before you travel, try to make an effort once a month to donate to local food banks for hungry people. as the economy continues to worsen, million of people around the world are going hungry or homeless. please do what you can.
Thank you!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

what is your "Godzilla" and "MechaG" moment?


So in case you don't know, Godzilla is a symbolic representation for problems facing humanity. And some of you that have known me know that I've studied our societies "Godzillas" for over 18 years and have always worked and lived trying to fight against and educate people on things and threats facing them. So you can only imagine how it feels for someone who understand to come face to face with the "big lizard"... everything I thought I knew about the threats facing humanity was true and in an instant in the Summer of 2007 and again in Summer 2010 I lost everything, my home, my future, my family, my friends, everything gone.

Toho entertainment made two great movies that sum up the "Godzilla" that face us all right now. Godzilla against MechaGodzilla from 2002 and Godzilla: Tokyo SOS from 2003... two of the only true "sequels" in the Godzilla series. In these two wonderful movies you see characters coming to grips with the reality of lose and the treat Godzilla poses to themselves and everyone they care about. Like the main character in Godzilla against MechaGodzilla, all the trainings, all the knowledge could not have saved her from losing everything.... I too understand this. And in the movie she is forced with the help of a small child that says "... it's enough to just be alive" to come to grips with living alone and without those hopes and dreams destroyed. I have taken the past 3 and 1/2 years and slowly I am learning to live alone and learning to live just to stay alive and accept that my future ended so many years ago but I have to keep going"just to be alive". I encourage all those thinking of suicide or of giving up to watch Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla and Godzilla Tokyo SOS


so call it the great reset

Thanks to ReasonTV for the interview, so much to think about , over next decade, things will change so much, place make the change for the better!


some haiku for a long hot summer


a few haiku for you...

orange glow to the sky

what of all the dreams lost now?

long days, hot days soon

seeing happiness

knowing wedding happiness

warm winds across road

now always alone

just living must be enough

warm winds from storm clouds

best wishes everyone and as they say, sometimes just being alive is enough if your life has nothing to live for...


end to write block?! this month will tell the tell!

Hi all...

What a week, what a month, what a crazy year, what a crazy decade! As you can tell, since may I've had a serious case of writers block; I hope to be past this stressful time and able to get back to posting on a more normal schedule very soon. I will not really do a recap of the past few months, due to the amount of news... I will touch on a few topics and the haiku will begin again in the fall.

I am still with DEP, REC and Parks, soon to be in a much different position. I am grateful for the continued confidence in my skills and training the agency has shown me over the past few months and I do hope that I can life up to the high standard that the person set that I am replacing later this month.

I'm still coming to grips with the "Godzilla moment" I lived through in Summer 2007 and again this summer, I hope to have a detailed blog and explanation of these events for you very soon.

Have a wonderful summer, I miss all my Friends and hope to be back in your lives this fall. Thanks again for all the support from you all.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

goin through the motions and learning bout people all over again

First May Event, Cap City Challenge... cool nice time yesterday. Wish we had more cops and people on bikes. As for the rest... fascinating the lost generations that are the very early 20 somethings... so selfish, so lost...good luck to them... but it was nice to learn that people can betray you in a new york minute, but great sociological notes and psychology notes from past 6 weeks.... and speaking of time only a few more weeks left in cap city FLA USA. now working on last haiku and final blogs and a few tube posts before departure.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

real disaster on gulf...

So its kinda like the boy who cried wolf... today's media and government are always in crisis mode, disaster mode, and when a real situation hits like the oil spill that is now going on in the gulf, people don't seem to be aware of it or they don't know how bad it is. Friends...IT IS VERY VERY VERY BAD! please try to get you minds around the impact it will have on your lives for the next few months years and possible decades.



Monday, April 5, 2010

remembering the lost friends

I lost a few Friends over the past few months that hurts to think that I will never get a chance to talk with them again. Never a day will go by that I do not feel true sorrow for losing you three... while I do remember the good times, not having you in my life is too much to take. Remembering is the worst part. who ever said time heals all never lived in an economic death spiral or a slave state.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

a seat when the music stops if you please...

So its official almost, with the state of Florida legislature attacking the department in the state government, D M S, that is responsible for state property and pay and retirement for the state employees, the only department that could if it would call out the ponsey screaming and wanker bankers and money bombs before its too late... even if the the members of the legislature are too dumb to get it... they have begone the HIDE THE PEA game... my meaning is watch out folks in good old FLA USA.... but your state and everything around you are about to go on the auction block, I would say wake up but in my humble opinion its too late for that. Shame Shame Shame on you Mr Gov, Mr Attorney General and Mrs Chief Financial Officer! If you 3 Don't know about what's going on your too dumb to chew your own food and if your 3 do know, HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT!!!

no Haiku for you!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

and you thought it was just about health?!

Remember that Student loan reform bill stuck in the Senate I blogged about a few months back, well, it is back and added to the health care bill passed this past Sunday.
A few links for your consideration, thank you K L for the updated links on these important topics.
I'll have a more detailed post on this topic this weekend...

Monday, March 22, 2010

funny, they had my tamed at ChryCo last year...

Hi all...
A Must Read From Market Ticker...
thanks reason for a great report on the situation...

when you have three generations lost in the ways the USA has lost them, you have some bad bad bad KARMA to work out... going to be a long 30 years!

a haiku for you...
lost generations
cool wind outside, strong rain now
Godzilla is here!

Monday, March 15, 2010

review of tallahassee downtown market...

Hi all,

farmers and urban markets on weekends are on their way back now that the weather is getting nicer. Cap City FLA USA has one...



I checked it out this past Saturday and picked up a panda note card from Tallahassee's local photographer Jan who has a both at the event. She took the photo of the panda at the Atlanta Zoo. Prices was OK and selection on arts and crafts and foods were all aok. Farmers are beginning to get in local vegetables, although Mikes has been the only place for bitter melons so far.

please support your local farmers everyone and learn to barter and trade as the economy continues to fall into the death spiral.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

its like this for the piigs and the whole world...see!

ok folks think of it this way...see...

10 years ago I sell you a car worth 10 grand... then you go to pick up the car and I give you a photo of a car worth 10 grand and tell you " its aok friend, you have this car... see"

so 10 years later you need to go pay a mortgage down and go to the doctor and the cost is 10 grand, so you show a photo of the car to the bill collector and guess who the bill collector is ME, the same criminal that sold you a photo instead of something real 10 years ago ... see!

Everyone in the world's economy is in a casino type 1930's mob movie set up.... nothing is real and STOP the MADNESS before you are broke.


Friday, March 5, 2010

movie today fyi

Hi all... hope you get a chance to see Alice in Wonder Land that opens today.
and a behind the scenes look with community channel...

update from rocketboom, a neg review...


know your info

well all,
looks like same old same old and no new news after yesterdays interview. words of wisdom for ya, know what you know and be able to talk about it! But who knows... kinda wish I found a speeding bus 3 years ago, I wouldn't wish the last 3 years of my life on anyone.
a haiku for you...
lost in space today
remembering the lost dreams
blue sky green ocean

Monday, February 22, 2010

to dream or not to dream for next 6 weeks

Well Folks...
going to be rocky few months, people seem to be in a strange state of not knowing things or they know things and are too dumb to react or our country is suffering from Stockholm syndrome and held hostage by very bad thinking... links to come on some stories in next few days but I'll tell you the truth, I am tired of trying to get the message out! o well, to dream of a better life over the next few weeks or to accept Karma of a nation trapped in a economic and cultural death spiral that is the question... food runs out in April, thanks bean counters for yet again messing up the state budget! But I am living in a FN COMA that is... Florida, Nevada, California, Oregon, Michigan and Arizona are all busted/bankrupt and doing nothing to come to grips with it.

some links and thanks max and stacy for reporting this news...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

NASCAR, what a joke

ok, so a race is 500 miles, but no wait, we don't like that guy or car winning so lets go around a few more times... and the winner is.... wait wait, we don't like that outcome so lets go around another few times! you know the fans deserve it... the fans just love bumper cars and watching their fav drivers risk their lives to act like a bunch of 13 year olds!

and lets not maintain the track, No, lets build a amusement park right next door because we are all about the amusement and not about the racing

NASCAR, I mean CRASHCAR, what a joke!

no one wants to be last one standing when the music stops!

ok All... big stories almost every day...

watch this one like a hawk... thanks max and stacy for the link and zero hedge for the story!

now let me make it simple... the debt levels now are not real in so many ways and beware any radio Jock or prom queen that tell you to "pay off the debt" or "go to war" wake up folks and President Obama is my hero if he can stand up to the Neo-Cons over the next three years!

peace and love folks and watch out for the debt monster!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Lunar New Year 2010!

Hi all

Happy lunar new year to you and yours... its the year of the Tiger! Watch out for that Tiger... he's a trouble maker. I hope you have a great year everyone!
a haiku for you
Tiger in a dream
causing trouble for people
green water in lake

Saturday, February 13, 2010

a tiger by the tail

Hi all...
watch the mail for my lunar new year cards... tomorrow is the year of the tiger. I hate to say it but with the economic situation like it is... I suggest grabbing the "tiger by the tail" and holding on and being able to provide food, clothing and shelter for yourself and your friends and family.

Thanks to the glass beef for a great song!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nasa Update, Earth to Nelson, come in Nelson

Hi all,
Well huge news on Orion program and NASA in general and were or were is our brave Senator form FLA USA Mr Nelson? O Brave man you are so strong and smart, were or were to major Nelson, ground control to major Nelson, 4 3 2 1 the countdownclock has begun and Senator Nelson seems to not be at the launch pad...

Thanks Rocketboom for the update and wake up folks... this economy has been in a Black Hole now for over 3 years and things are going to get much worse unless people understand the problems and the solutions!

a haiku for you
rocket on the pad
blue sky and birds above now,
alien face lost?

Friday, February 5, 2010

media and folks and lawyers, wake the f up!

Hi all...

It amazes me than anyone can still do Business in the USA!!!

What a week, so many news stories on every aspect of American life and the world and it will take me all weekend to review and comment on everything, look for 4 posts the weekend on a verity of topics. But I did want to comment on the Toyota situation... media, most ford owners didn't turn away from them in over the past years as MILLIONS of cars and trucks have been recalled and I feel most Toyota owners will not turn away from their cars as well during this time of recalls. ALL manufactures have had recalls for many things and in a time of a "lawyer" behind every corner, companies have to protect themselves by recalls from the lawsuits. SHAME on lawyers, the media and "folks" who are too stupid to be human and have forgotten how to live. Wake up America!

link to news updates...


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

update on things

hi all...
budget talk is in the air in Cap City FLA USA... and not looking very sunny for the sunshine state to be sure... so wake up folks and a dolor update for ya today and yes, the groundhog did see his shadow!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thanks UDON!

Hi all

included in the street fighter legend of chun li movie realised last year and now available as a DVD is a DVD bonus DVD with Udon comic's street fighter series realised back in 2004 with live actors voices, music and sound effects.

This DVD is great and a must have for all street fighter fans. Udon's art was beautiful in the comics and wonderfully translated to the DVD. The actors voices matched the characters well and the music was spot on. The quality of the translation was great and the stories for Ryu, Ken, Guile and Chun li and the other characters was terrific.

Street fighter and the story is a must for people to know about in today's society... we are all being attracted by criminal organizations like Shadowloo and constantly under the attacks of psyco-power in the form of media stories and culture propaganda we are living in now and the more you know the better.

Thanks Udon for a great comic series and DVD bonus!

a haiku for you...
a hero is you
only if you know things now
dark skies all around

not the best person to have at a bbq... or the best to have at the bbq!

Hi all... well more and more huge economy stories out... thanks to the market ticker for keeping this info coming...

I want everyone to stay informed... in my opinion, this economy is and has been in a death spiral and millions of lives have been affected already and if you have been lucky and not experienced and trouble... please use this time to prepare yourself to be able to provide food clothing and shelter for yourself and the people you care about.

I was at a BBQ Friday night and I am shocked at the lack of knowledge and passion people seem to have for this topic. One woman when I was describing the homeless problem in major American cities and how the new homeless are professional Americans with families and college educations, she said basically the it was a good idea to be day laborers and live in state parks with internet. I am shocked that people don't realize that they are becoming modern day slaves, willing to give up any idea of freedom just to eat, to have shelter, or clothing... I was very careful in trying to explain things at the BBQ but like the dinner party I attended last year while Americans were being beaten in the streets of Pittsburgh, woman being dragged from their bikes and beat by heavy set police officers, the attendees to the dinner party last year didn't know about the unfolding events and supported "law and order" not realizing that real law and order doesn't mean living with no freedom. Hard to be a good guest with my eyes wide opened!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

nbc you lost me at Raines, got me back for 7 months, now no more!

Hi all... I always loved Conan on lateshow and now with the tonightshow... he was the funniest since Johny bar non. And with younger people with DVR and Internet, I'm convinced that his numbers are better than Jay and the buck tooth wonder and in a few years after the boomers and their tired tastes finally stop counting as much... Conan would have been much more appreciated IMO.
Thanks Rocketboom for covering this story...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

recap... win to fail to win to epic fail

Hi all
what a week... some wins, some fails and its the weekend so still more time to get in more wins and more fails!

Thanks rocketboom for the info...

a haiku for you...
strange weather today
and what will the future bring
cloudy skies, cool breeze

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

why I don't vote!

Hi all,
I don't vote anymore and I call on anyone that works for the government to turn in your voter registration cards and take no action in voting for someone that can give you a job and raise in pay. I believe the government should be answerable to the people and if you are are a servant of the people you must answer to their will. If I ever get a job again in the private sector, then I will again take up my civic duty and vote, but until that day I am a servant of the people and have no say in my pay or job.

for Dr King

Hi all
Thanks Allen West for the speech and please remember Dr Kings message in your life. Pray for peace and love for all people and a rebirth of our society and what it can be.


clean and make babies for Feb 14th

Hi all...
if you are celebrating lunar new year this year... it will be the year of the Tiger... make sure you clean up your home and car before Feb 14th; Also if you have someone in your life you love, make a baby! only having a family and making babies will save this county and world from living in tyranny and slavery for the next 200 years! If you can't have kids, think about adopting or if that isn't an option, support friends that you have that have kids and families, protect them... Confucius teaches that if you don't have kids you can still help out your society by being protectors for the real true people that have families and kids.


Monday, January 18, 2010

haiti earthquake 2010

Hi all...
thanks to rocketboom for the info and if you want to give to the Haitian people... please if possible give to charities already working in Haiti, an example...



e-mail blogs and off day or day off? what a week

Hi all
working on a blog for Udon's comic translation to DVD, blogs on the employment situation and Haiti's earthquake and aftermath and vlogs too... not sure if I'm off work today, but if I am I might be able to get alot of computer work in.
Thoughts and prayers for those in Haiti and all around the world living in dangerous conditions.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I just love the day...

I post that should have gone up yesterday... 01 11 10 or backwards its 01 11 10 neat o daddy o

Friday, January 8, 2010

ice later today?

Hope everyone is aok and warm... its cold in cap city and it will be for a few more days... will take the photomaking machine today and might get some photos of snow and ice in the area.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

cold in cap city fla usa!

Well cold and rainy for the past week has become the norm, but this week is something else... teens, flurries and highs not much past 40 are all around for the next several days. I think I should move back to FLA USA!? Wait didn't I like the cold?

a haiku for you...

a cold morning now

tomorrow a cold morning

what will next year bring?
and thanks rocketboom for the news!


Friday, January 1, 2010

day late end of 09 review, tech music info and haiku for you!

Hi all,

Well I end the year with a few reviews... for tech, upgraded from the N75 to the E71x and its aok so far... its a smarty phone that I use for everything basically. Sound quality is great, screen and pic quality is good and the GPS feature is ok(?) I'm not paying 9 a month extra for it so after the trial its gone but I am looking at other GPS options for my job. A possible negative that I hope doesn't happen again, after 3 weeks my phone just died! Never had that happen before, the second one I picked up Tuesday seems better so fingers crossed the e 71x is as good as my N75 was... I miss you music clam shell man!


For 2009 music, not much new with all the running around, but the New Moby Album is great and Ravens and Vultures Last love I picked up Christmas 08 for 7 is still one of the best albums I've got in the digital magic music boxes...


For info... please everyone visit max keiser, steve keen, karl deeneger's market ticker and others... lots of info on the web that the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about and 2010 is going to be a big year and information about what is happening is so needed!


and now a New Year Haiku for You!

a cool breeze in air

a difficult journey now

unable to know

peace and love everyone and best wishes for you in 2010
