Saturday, May 1, 2010

real disaster on gulf...

So its kinda like the boy who cried wolf... today's media and government are always in crisis mode, disaster mode, and when a real situation hits like the oil spill that is now going on in the gulf, people don't seem to be aware of it or they don't know how bad it is. Friends...IT IS VERY VERY VERY BAD! please try to get you minds around the impact it will have on your lives for the next few months years and possible decades.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Z !! If this oil problem seeps in and contaminates the pristine beaches along Florida's coast lines,it can spell long time consequences! The Florida Parks will certainly take a hit and closings will commence,laying off thousands of state park personnel and causing a bigger rift in Florida's unemployment. The only parks that will have a chance of surviving will be the inland parks. Also see the the sea food industry destroyed for decades. Consequences will be enormous! With the failure attempt to cap the oil leak today just compounds the odds in the oil's favor to reach fragile beach's and destroy all marine and wildlife it will encounter. I'm sure Z can add more to this..Funny though,the oil platform exploded around the celebration of EARTH DAY and the momentum of the drill baby drill movement was growing stronger.Now it's all in a standstill in the name of the environment. Good for the democrats! The owner of the platform already collected his insurance cash. Where's the interviews with the families of the eleven crew members that were killed? Maybe Z can enlighten us on these strange mysteries.....Peace..
