Saturday, January 31, 2009

hard to talk when your walking away(in purple Tshirts)

Today I watched a recording (on the local PBS channel "Florida Channel" broadcast they do on weekends, re airing recordings of state government meetings that happened over the week)....of a meeting in west palm, a public meeting on the topic of the state budget and shortfalls... its so John Q public walks up, says his peace to the state representatives and senators.

So what set me off was a Tshirt wearing person, she gets up and says her speech, no problem right? Everyone else did the say thing; get up, talk, sit down, and listen to the next person... well this speaker gets up... talks, then turns around and all of the sudden, 3/4 of the people (most wearing that same type TShirt by the way) in the room get up and they all walk out... well there were other people that had a turn... why are you all getting up and walking out?! Where was the respect for your fellow Floridian... everyone listened to what you had to say... why not stick around and listen to others?

made me mad, one side of the debate will not show respect and listen to other ideas... nothing will get fixed with disrespect and the inability of conversation between people.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

1200 miles, long days, great drive and music

Hi all,

Monday for Lunar New Year I had to travel south for an interview and wild land fire pack test. Those who know me know I would have rather been home making Lions Head and celebrating the new year of the OX but that's how things go. Overall the trip was very positive and I should know back soon on final outcome, fingers crossed. Thanks to Thao and Jeff for the friendship, wish I would have had time to stop by and visit, but will have to wait until next trip south.

I wanted to mention a album I recently down loaded for a B-Day gift to myself and to celebrate rapping up filing the taxes... Last Love by RavensandVultures a indi band out of PA USA... $7 for the album and it is really great, I listened to it almost non-stop on the trip, put it into the psp and hooked it into the AUX in the car system. Over all down load/music quality was much better than something like Amazon... the sound was really spot on. Other things listened to were echoes podcast and NHK Japanese and Vietnamese lesions and newscasts... again, sound quality and the psp really shined on the trip and made the miles go by quickly...

As for the drive, if you have a car and love to drive, I suggest many of the roads between Tampa and Orlando late nights... State Road 60 and many others in the area... some issues with road smoothness and quality, but overall a very nice trip. I spotted an R8, and a new GTR on the road for the first time.

peace and love and happiness to everyone and have a great New Year!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Lunar New Year 2009

Hope everyone has a great year... it's the year of the OX tomorrow, remember to be grounded in your thoughts, eat lots of food from the earth, red meat, mushrooms, potatoes etc etc...

For those who celebrate Tet... Vạn sự như ý

Best wishes always,


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

web footprint update and other things

not too much new to report as of today... my job searching has begun a newyear and I've switched over to some other opportunities and search techniques... with the exception of a phone call yesterday that will give the state of FLA another chance, I'm switching away from Gov work and looking again at some private sector options... I hope to know more late next week...

As for my Web footprint, I'm now just working on this blog, weekly updates are the plan right now and I will continue working on my upcoming website launch for later this year if all goes as planned. My Myspace and Facebook pages have both been deactivated.

Still hopeful and optimistic and continue to fight off what Winston Churchill called the "Dark Dog" that stalks a man... women, you can't possible know what I'm talking about so don't ask.

As for my Spiritual journey... lots to say on this one, hope to have a blog entry early next month to go over a few observations... a persons Spiritual life is a very personal and private thing, but I do want to share a few things... that might be of use to some...

Tokyo Auto Salon update for January 2009... a yearly car show that is a must...

Best Wishes everyone, I will be in transit on Lunar new year so will not be able to celebrate it as I had planned, but its after a job so just maybe a bit of good luck for the upcoming new year? Who knows... Japan trip might still be in the works after all. The Tokyo Auto Salon Jan 2010 would be nice if anything.

much love, happiness, respect, and positive wishes to everyone


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

looks like 2009 Tokyo Auto show is off?

Still no final word as of today, but will keep an eye on this... reports are starting up that the Tokyo Auto show will be canceled this year. GM and Chrysler have already pulled out. And Ford did this afternoon as well.


well damn, there go my travel plans, but it might work out... gives me more time to save up and work on the language...

really hate what it represents, world wide economic slowdown... never fun but happens from time to time.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

take a note Michigan

With major economic problems hitting most sectors of the world's nations and large multi-national corporations, big changes are in store for many.

Toyota recently announced production cuts and is looking at closing many factories... take a note Detroit... when things slow down, you need too as well... and be quick about it... making 2million extra cars hoping things will turn doesn't seem like a good idea...

link to a bloomberg story on Toyota and some of what that are thinking on over the next 6 months to 6 years

more to follow in the next few days... We have to stop making the wrong choices and I'll have some examples and ideas in the coming days and weeks... Think of the little ones, our generation has to leave them with something positive...


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

a poem for the upcoming lunar new year


nothing much to say, writers block continues... alot happened today that I'm getting my mind around in world news that I will respond to later this week... now a poem for the up coming lunar new year later this month...

Do dreams sustain us?

or our lives that give us dreams...

What is life like without?

And what happens when

we choose a wrong direction

without dreams to map?

Or is life both ways

and no path is right or wrong

we need both, learn, dream
