Monday, February 22, 2010

to dream or not to dream for next 6 weeks

Well Folks...
going to be rocky few months, people seem to be in a strange state of not knowing things or they know things and are too dumb to react or our country is suffering from Stockholm syndrome and held hostage by very bad thinking... links to come on some stories in next few days but I'll tell you the truth, I am tired of trying to get the message out! o well, to dream of a better life over the next few weeks or to accept Karma of a nation trapped in a economic and cultural death spiral that is the question... food runs out in April, thanks bean counters for yet again messing up the state budget! But I am living in a FN COMA that is... Florida, Nevada, California, Oregon, Michigan and Arizona are all busted/bankrupt and doing nothing to come to grips with it.

some links and thanks max and stacy for reporting this news...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

NASCAR, what a joke

ok, so a race is 500 miles, but no wait, we don't like that guy or car winning so lets go around a few more times... and the winner is.... wait wait, we don't like that outcome so lets go around another few times! you know the fans deserve it... the fans just love bumper cars and watching their fav drivers risk their lives to act like a bunch of 13 year olds!

and lets not maintain the track, No, lets build a amusement park right next door because we are all about the amusement and not about the racing

NASCAR, I mean CRASHCAR, what a joke!

no one wants to be last one standing when the music stops!

ok All... big stories almost every day...

watch this one like a hawk... thanks max and stacy for the link and zero hedge for the story!

now let me make it simple... the debt levels now are not real in so many ways and beware any radio Jock or prom queen that tell you to "pay off the debt" or "go to war" wake up folks and President Obama is my hero if he can stand up to the Neo-Cons over the next three years!

peace and love folks and watch out for the debt monster!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Lunar New Year 2010!

Hi all

Happy lunar new year to you and yours... its the year of the Tiger! Watch out for that Tiger... he's a trouble maker. I hope you have a great year everyone!
a haiku for you
Tiger in a dream
causing trouble for people
green water in lake

Saturday, February 13, 2010

a tiger by the tail

Hi all...
watch the mail for my lunar new year cards... tomorrow is the year of the tiger. I hate to say it but with the economic situation like it is... I suggest grabbing the "tiger by the tail" and holding on and being able to provide food, clothing and shelter for yourself and your friends and family.

Thanks to the glass beef for a great song!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nasa Update, Earth to Nelson, come in Nelson

Hi all,
Well huge news on Orion program and NASA in general and were or were is our brave Senator form FLA USA Mr Nelson? O Brave man you are so strong and smart, were or were to major Nelson, ground control to major Nelson, 4 3 2 1 the countdownclock has begun and Senator Nelson seems to not be at the launch pad...

Thanks Rocketboom for the update and wake up folks... this economy has been in a Black Hole now for over 3 years and things are going to get much worse unless people understand the problems and the solutions!

a haiku for you
rocket on the pad
blue sky and birds above now,
alien face lost?

Friday, February 5, 2010

media and folks and lawyers, wake the f up!

Hi all...

It amazes me than anyone can still do Business in the USA!!!

What a week, so many news stories on every aspect of American life and the world and it will take me all weekend to review and comment on everything, look for 4 posts the weekend on a verity of topics. But I did want to comment on the Toyota situation... media, most ford owners didn't turn away from them in over the past years as MILLIONS of cars and trucks have been recalled and I feel most Toyota owners will not turn away from their cars as well during this time of recalls. ALL manufactures have had recalls for many things and in a time of a "lawyer" behind every corner, companies have to protect themselves by recalls from the lawsuits. SHAME on lawyers, the media and "folks" who are too stupid to be human and have forgotten how to live. Wake up America!

link to news updates...


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

update on things

hi all...
budget talk is in the air in Cap City FLA USA... and not looking very sunny for the sunshine state to be sure... so wake up folks and a dolor update for ya today and yes, the groundhog did see his shadow!