Monday, April 5, 2010

remembering the lost friends

I lost a few Friends over the past few months that hurts to think that I will never get a chance to talk with them again. Never a day will go by that I do not feel true sorrow for losing you three... while I do remember the good times, not having you in my life is too much to take. Remembering is the worst part. who ever said time heals all never lived in an economic death spiral or a slave state.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

a seat when the music stops if you please...

So its official almost, with the state of Florida legislature attacking the department in the state government, D M S, that is responsible for state property and pay and retirement for the state employees, the only department that could if it would call out the ponsey screaming and wanker bankers and money bombs before its too late... even if the the members of the legislature are too dumb to get it... they have begone the HIDE THE PEA game... my meaning is watch out folks in good old FLA USA.... but your state and everything around you are about to go on the auction block, I would say wake up but in my humble opinion its too late for that. Shame Shame Shame on you Mr Gov, Mr Attorney General and Mrs Chief Financial Officer! If you 3 Don't know about what's going on your too dumb to chew your own food and if your 3 do know, HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT!!!

no Haiku for you!