Tuesday, November 27, 2012

sad way to start a morning for some

hi all, building number nine in my complex had a fire this morning. hope everyone is ok. I am in building 4

Sunday, November 25, 2012

nice quiet thanksgiving weekend

hi all, i was able to make food for some family members for the Thanksgiving Fall holiday this year. It was a nice few days off of work and we were also able to travel some to a small town Sopchoppy Florida and visit with a local pottery artist George Griffin. I hope your weekend has been nice wherever you are.

the holidays are mostly sad for me, i do not look forward to them much, but doing things not in the traditional way and getting out and about helps keep the mind of sad memories.

have a good reminder of the fall and winter holiday season and please continue to support local artists and poets!

Friday, November 2, 2012

alone is and November already!

hi all,
yes, the year is flying by. if you haven't noticed yet, its already November. November and December always go by so quickly with the holidays for me. Happy Holiday season to you all. Also of note as the year has gone by, after many months i now feel that my writers block is lifting. with the help of a 30 dollar ukalai, i feel like what ever 8 month long feeling that i had to work thru is finally coming to an end. we will see.


a haiku for you...

alone is color
cool and warm breezes blow now
alone is a time