Thursday, December 27, 2012

trying to find somthing its like

hi all,
i love how commentators always try to compare news with something from the past. so let me give it a shot. the financial crisis is like a tsunami, the money and debt get washed out, then return as hyper inflation flood.

o well, something like that.

glad 2012 is almost over, fingers crossed for a positive 2013.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday Season 2012 and Yesterday

hi all,
yesterday i finished up my third year in this part of the Florida Panhandle. It was a mixed feeling kind of anniversary... this is not a bad place to be, but it still doesn't feel like home... i have a few more cities and geographic locations on my "wish list" to try out that might be a better fit, but right now the basics of steady work and wages keep me making the best of this here.

i consider this the half way point of the holiday season i tend to observe. this is the hardest time of year to be alone for me, the anniversary of this time in 2007 sometimes is overpowering. that is an anniversary time that is much harder to recognize.

on a lighter note, the cards and gifts are finished up for the most part, not much in the way of gifts other than cookies and bob's red mill soup mixes but people seem to like them ok.

have a great season!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

sad way to start a morning for some

hi all, building number nine in my complex had a fire this morning. hope everyone is ok. I am in building 4

Sunday, November 25, 2012

nice quiet thanksgiving weekend

hi all, i was able to make food for some family members for the Thanksgiving Fall holiday this year. It was a nice few days off of work and we were also able to travel some to a small town Sopchoppy Florida and visit with a local pottery artist George Griffin. I hope your weekend has been nice wherever you are.

the holidays are mostly sad for me, i do not look forward to them much, but doing things not in the traditional way and getting out and about helps keep the mind of sad memories.

have a good reminder of the fall and winter holiday season and please continue to support local artists and poets!

Friday, November 2, 2012

alone is and November already!

hi all,
yes, the year is flying by. if you haven't noticed yet, its already November. November and December always go by so quickly with the holidays for me. Happy Holiday season to you all. Also of note as the year has gone by, after many months i now feel that my writers block is lifting. with the help of a 30 dollar ukalai, i feel like what ever 8 month long feeling that i had to work thru is finally coming to an end. we will see.


a haiku for you...

alone is color
cool and warm breezes blow now
alone is a time

Sunday, October 14, 2012

lost in FLA.... it is kinda Space like here

hi all, Fall continues, temps are still not quite Fall like but a least turning nicer. Hope everyone is doing well!
So the post title, lost in Florida (and most places, i know the grass is not more greener for the most part) is a dig at the overall tone, feel, people you interact with on a daily basis. I say 2 in 10 seem real, while the other 8 act like they from another planet.
Stay positive everyone if you can and stay informed at whats going on around you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

a new month, a new direction?

hi all,
October has arrived and well... so far everything is about the same. No news is good news they say so I guess that's something. I was able to complete one video blog a day over at my docrobphotostop youtube channel in September. It was a neat experiment. have a great month and who knows, maybe I will have more news this month. fingers crossed its good news!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

hello September, have I ever told you how I don't like August!

hi all,
my writers block continues so another short post today but I want to mention that I am keeping the plan and doing 30 vlog posts in 30 days over at my YouTube docrobphotostop channel. hope everyone is doing great and happy September to you finally! that August is always an interesting(not in a good kind of way) month and i am always glad to say good bye to it!
summer time pond, still need more rain in Tallahassee!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

two years already?! time goes by

well, i made it two years in my current assignment and looks like a third year will have to be attempted after not getting any of the jobs i interviewed for a few months ago... but who knows, maybe a job i fit with will announce soon.  if you would have asked me a few years ago if i would be in Tallahassee now at this time in my life i would have thought you were crazy. but life is like that sometimes, things don't go as planned.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

one more month of heat?!

hi all, a few afternoon showers and clouds have returned to the Cap City Fla area breaking up the very warm temps supplying some relief from the heat, but looking forward to September all the same. hope everyone is OK and maybe i will say more this month. writers block continues but a few things should be posted in vlogged about on my YouTube channel if i can get out of this lazy mode.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

weather man vs mother nature

the battle of the weather man vs mother nature continues and mother nature with her womanly unpredictability continues to win. the rain was nice while it lasted, we needed every drop. sorry for anyone to suffer damage but this is Florida and start paying attention to mother nature and not weather man! -z-

Friday, June 15, 2012

100-Year-Old USS Texas Springs Massive Leak |

100-Year-Old USS Texas Springs Massive Leak |

neat old ship, why with almost 50 percent unemployment for young people we don't have night watch positions for all these historic museum ships is beyond me. most museum ships treasuries can afford this. -z-

Monday, June 4, 2012

insomnia vs writers block

hi all. i had a thought, perhaps my recent few nights of little sleep will help with haiku and other writing projects (blog, e-mail, tweets and tumblr)

just a thought

sadly, still no haiku for you

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

writers block continues

o well, not much to report on the writing front. at least I have a haiku for you!

swimming in a pond
seeing sights, listening now
strange touch under foot

have a good week everyone!

Friday, May 11, 2012

friday! finally! funny break

thanks to blaimesoceityfilms for todays Friday funny break! have a good weekend.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

little doc on parks from VFS

hi all, thanks to the student film makes for this short film on urban parks and their personal importance to so many people. please support parks and film students too!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

already May may may....

May day passed right by, news out that the USA is now 15 point something trillion in debt and I didn't even post yesterday, sad. Good news is I found some missing passwords so hope to make May June and July the catch up months for Internet time. May your Spring and early Summer go well!

a haiku for you!
a lost little tree
swaying in a field alone
warm sun on the face

Friday, April 20, 2012

the food remedies worked?!

hi all,
hope you are going aok. the cold that has been going around i decided to treat by pulling out my Chinese natural cures book by Henry Lu because the worst part of the cold hit me on Saturday and Sunday.  some of the suggestions were asparagus and chicken eggs so i made asparagus steamed and egg drop soup. i was lucky, it never got so bad and my cough and sore throat did not last too long.  perhaps the natural remedies worked!

have a great weekend end everyone, looks like the local college baseball teams games will be rained out Saturday and Sunday so baseball on the radio and TV for me and ice hockey perhaps and lots of cleaning sorting and organizing. good old Spring time.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

head cold time equals rest and haiku and sports watching

hi all,
got me a work place cold that's been going around the workplace for the past few weeks. starts out with sore throat then turns into a classic head cold. rest and green tea for me this weekend.


now a spring time haiku for you!

warmer winds blow now
lost in thoughts of times past
cool breezes are gone

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

healthy 3 months? update time

Hi All,
over the next few months I plan to exercise and eat a little bit better, not that my diet has been all that bad, I've cut out many of the processed foods and eating out foods high in salt and sugars, but with some doing and learning how to steam foods, I think I can get the diet even more healthy.  I am still suffering from writers block with my haiku poetry hobby but hope to have some haiku posted soon. Have a great Spring time everyone!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

another month

well, can't slow the old time clock down, its April 1st! the year is moving right along. -z-

Friday, March 30, 2012

one more Friday to go!

Hi all!
March was a very fast Month! Spring cleaning this month and Baseball in April! And many thanks to blaimsoceityfilms for the last Friday of the month laugh break. Beer and boardgames!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

great 3 days of audio from C-SPAN

Hi all,
I listened over 3 days to about 4 and half hours of audio of the US Supreme Courts oral arguments' on the health care law passed a few months ago. Monday and Tuesday had the more interesting but Wednesday was OK too; overall the programming was very interesting, informative and at times, entertaining. Many thanks to C-SPAN for their coverage of the event.

I've grown up with talk radio format with NASCAR and Baseball and other Sports, and NPR, and Rush and others and now a days BlogTalk and pod casts on a variety of subjects over the years so listening is something I enjoy. It makes you think, your mind paint a picture of what is being described.

have a great rest of the week and talk to you soon!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2 days off equals 2 weeks behind?

hi all,
well, took a few days off to do some day tripping around the area and just clear the mind and enjoy the good weather we have been having. that's the good news and pictures were great. the bad, behind at work, its going to be difficult to catch up. fingers crossed. goal is to be caught up by April 1. Spring cleaning and catching up at work in Two weeks... that is a tall order... could produce great haiku poems! fingers crossed

Thursday, March 1, 2012

already a new month?!

yep, each year seems to go by that much faster! this one is no exception. its already march!
a haiku for you...
a bowl of noodles
can transport the mind, the heart
warm breeze moves quickly

Friday, February 17, 2012

a friday music break

hi all,
hope you are well. my part of the world finally has few few days of rainfall to welcome and enjoy, but temps are still warm here. when the sky clears up next week I will point the astro binocs up to mars for the next few weeks.
cheers and have a good weekend!
music for your day...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

wow how time flies!

hi all,
or is that wow how time flys?! anyway, it turned cold for a couple of days in cap city Florida. nice change and finally the weather has inspired me to make chili and crazy man corn bread. recipe and pictures will post on Tuesday. cheers and have a good rest of the weekend!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

nice take on something everyone should know

hi all,
I watched a ad that didn't sit well with me. I never like it when personalities try to sale something, especially people that I've respected over the years. Thanks to Reason for the parity! The real Chrysler ad is easy to find on the web, and teamcoco's YouTube channel have a funny version as well pushing twisslers!


Monday, February 6, 2012

good Monday!

hi all,
well, another wonderful Monday...start of a week. hope the week goes well for you.
a haiku for you...
a cool breeze blows now
the sound of wind in the trees
living life always

Friday, February 3, 2012

funny lessions

hi all,
hope your week has been good. mine had an interesting blast from the past. i was reminded just how jobs in this economy are all about who you know, especially if you are not good at interviews. i have a good job now but another challenging opportunity posted a few weeks back and I applied and was called back for a interview, first interview in about 2 years. it was interesting, funny how lesions on life and people show up in situations like interviews. no worries i say, learned alot and it just makes me study that much more when you have a humiliating experience like a bad interview.
camping soon to clear the mind. let me know if you want to go, with the weather like we've been having, had not to camp out every weekend!
a haiku for you...
lost in a sea now
and is that a albatross
sunlight peaks through clouds

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

summer early?

hi all,
most of the USA is experiencing an interesting winter, very very mild. past few days in Tallahassee have reach almost 80. other than still very dry drought conditions, not complaining too much, other than the 2 month early return of mosquitoes.
a haiku for you...
a warm winter time
what will the future bring now
more foggy days now

Sunday, January 22, 2012

final note for a year with lesions

hi all
funny the life lesions that you encounter. '07, '09 and now '11 had many for me. I hope that I take away some of them, learn for them. tomorrow is the start of another lunar new year. with much planning and hard work and a little luck, I hope it brings better news for you and me. have a great day and good start of the new year of the Dragon!
a haiku for you
out of the morning
the sun removes the fog now
a new dream ahead

Saturday, January 21, 2012

foggy weekend, cloudy weekend, bye bye year!

hi all
well, large solar storm is on its way in this weekend and sure as sleep I am going to miss it do too fog and clouds. o well. this weekend will be continue to study for re-certification in March errands, working on my google+ account, and cleaning on the last weekend of the current lunar new year and getting ready to celebrate new lunar new year of the dragon on Monday the 23rd... the Lunar New Near is also my last holiday I celebrate for the year. (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Lunar New Year)
for pace weather updates, visit
have a great weekend!

Monday, January 16, 2012

something about staying quiet...

hi all,
on this MLK holiday, a note to the brave boomers who stood up in the 50's and 60's for something... sadly only standing up once for one thing kinda makes all your hard work lost 40 years on...
Thanks Reginald (demcad) for the reports on Flint MI, media never will tell these stories, they don't know how too.


a haiku for you...

staying quiet now
no one left around to say
stories of winter

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Micro Blogging is the best! -z-

a new year for some

hi all
while many people struggle to keep new years resolutions like lose wait, exercise, or learn to play that musical instrument... so many others worry about where they will sleep and what they will eat. Homelessness and hunger continue to grow as catastrophic problems that far too people are aware of. links below on information and please if you can make a resolution to do what you can to stop the problems of homelessness and hunger.
I've been homeless and its a shame sadness and fear that will always be with me. please don't let it happen to you and know why its happening to so many people who did nothing wrong and followed all the rules that once would equal a good successful and meaningful life.
a haiku for you...
icy cold morning
a few birds chirping in trees
much to do today!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

its not friday yet?

hi everyone,
well another day... observations... fog and cold outside and really looking forward to the weekend, not that the weekend has much planned this weekend other than some work around the house and continued studying. the blog talk radio show is still in the review stages for those of you interested. not much else to say!
a haiku for you!
as days go by now
reminded of lots to do
a warm sun rises

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

find the savings everywhere

hi all,
hope you are well. its raining in Cap City Florida! neat when we have endured a 2+ year drought. we need alot more rain to play catch-up with the rainfall totals.
a link to a good way to explain defence cuts to people... thanks to reason tv.

have a great day

a haiku for you

rainy morning now
dreams keep one from waking up
rain drops tap on roof

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday's car break

hi all, happy Monday! car review break



neat look and same old same old 3 years on

hi all,
Its neat to scroll down and look at the mosaic of what's happened over the past year. I also did that with my computer's photo album Friday night. It is also an eye opener to see how much stuff you didn't get done. wonder if I ever got that "webfootprint" taken care of?! -z-
a haiku for you!
walking in a cloud
morning in a warm winter
fox mother stands guard

Sunday, January 8, 2012

a re run kind of thing

hi all,
A local tv network has a digital secondary channel called MeTV that has reruns of many shows like batman, star trek the original series, The Bob Newhart Show, lost in space and many others, its alot like what tv land was (and might still be if its around, I don't get many cable channels, I only have cable for the Internet)
I didn't watch this channel much but thought it was neat to see some of the old shows (tonight at 8 depending on the guest on CSPAN's Q&A, i might watch a Colombo episode) I told a friend of mine about the network and he brought up a good point, while he enjoyed the shows when they originally aired, he had other things do watch and do to pass the time instead of watching the reruns. I agree with this... its one thing to set down and see a show for the first time, another to watch it over and over. I've made a note in past blogs and my blogtalk radio show but let me try to make the point again...
Is music, TV, movies and other human social interactions like politics in a stagnated arrested development stage and almost regressing not progressing? I'll think more on this topic and post more in the next few days. something to think about.
a haiku for you!
clear stagnate water
and a cool wind from the north
time to travel on

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hi all... Well, its been awhile since I micro blogged, testing one two three! If this works happy weekend and have a great one. -z-

hate to say its funny but...

hi all,
all the terms like see I told you so and isn't it funny all cover the news for me sometimes. while i am always glad and appreciative when friends and family bring me news stories and get passionate about being informed on current events, I find myself in a weird not surprised been there done that kind of way. I often would think the last 3 years and all the life challenges, hardships, and learning experiences were undeserved because I was one of those people that tried to do everything right and play by the rules... I am really beginning to appreciate all the lesions learned. its nice not being surprised sometimes. thanks everyone for the news links and keep informing yourselves and I truly hope you never experience the level of lose, betrayal, sadness and life challenges that I have lived through, but if you do, I hope you learn the lesions and become a better person for the challenges.
a haiku for you!
blue skies and crisp air
along for the journey now
thoughts of good times past

Friday, January 6, 2012

already Friday! keep dreaming

hi all,
well, it feels like Friday anyway. this is more the Thursday post, didn't sign on last night. wanted to give a quick mention to my blogtalk radio listeners and youtube channel followers... the 1st vlog will be up this weekend and it will be a weekly vlog (48 are planned right now) and still looking at bringing the blogtalkradio show back in February this year with a weekly show as well.
keep informing yourselves in the mean time and cheers to everyone keeping up with the new years resolutions!
a haiku for you...
and now a orange sky
lost in a sea of green, blue
rest fast approaches

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

just like that movie, you know

hi all,
so I have this theory... goes like this... first five years you are "the kid", then next 10 years you are the young person version of what you are/were as a kid... then the next ten years you are learning and making the and many mistakes or an adult.... then the next ten years you are picking up the peaces and repairing the mistakes from the previous ten years, and after that, now you are at around the age of 35, you are basically who you are and will be...
a haiku for you...
lost in a blue sea
wind and sky becoming one
a new day ahead.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

already the 3rd day?!...

hi everyone
wow! already the third day of the year, this year is flying by!
a haiku for you...
a cold wind outside
warm inside the shelter now
a new day lasts not

Monday, January 2, 2012

nice way to start the new year

hi and good morning,
thanks to demcad (Reginald) for the update on the signing of the national defence authorization bill, sad that so many people don't know about this bill. both sides supported this.... makes you want to not support left or right anymore doesn't it?

use the Internet to inform yourselves! cheers and see you soon

a haiku for you....

a cool breeze now
must be wintertime today
two more months left now

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

hi all,

well, another year to start (January 23rd if you are on Lunar New Year Calendar)... I wanted to say I hope you have a great new year and lots of luck. many challenges ahead for everyone and I hope that knowlege and good human culture help guide you over this year.

cheers everyone and have a great time!


a haiku for you...

some cool mornings now

winter brings quiet times, peace

alone is a place