Friday, April 20, 2012

the food remedies worked?!

hi all,
hope you are going aok. the cold that has been going around i decided to treat by pulling out my Chinese natural cures book by Henry Lu because the worst part of the cold hit me on Saturday and Sunday.  some of the suggestions were asparagus and chicken eggs so i made asparagus steamed and egg drop soup. i was lucky, it never got so bad and my cough and sore throat did not last too long.  perhaps the natural remedies worked!

have a great weekend end everyone, looks like the local college baseball teams games will be rained out Saturday and Sunday so baseball on the radio and TV for me and ice hockey perhaps and lots of cleaning sorting and organizing. good old Spring time.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

head cold time equals rest and haiku and sports watching

hi all,
got me a work place cold that's been going around the workplace for the past few weeks. starts out with sore throat then turns into a classic head cold. rest and green tea for me this weekend.


now a spring time haiku for you!

warmer winds blow now
lost in thoughts of times past
cool breezes are gone

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

healthy 3 months? update time

Hi All,
over the next few months I plan to exercise and eat a little bit better, not that my diet has been all that bad, I've cut out many of the processed foods and eating out foods high in salt and sugars, but with some doing and learning how to steam foods, I think I can get the diet even more healthy.  I am still suffering from writers block with my haiku poetry hobby but hope to have some haiku posted soon. Have a great Spring time everyone!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

another month

well, can't slow the old time clock down, its April 1st! the year is moving right along. -z-