Wednesday, February 25, 2009

know what your talking about

just an FYI,

I'm a car person so I care about these things, but America did not invent the car! Karl Benz in Germany invented the car as we know it...
Henry Ford helped mass produce the car, Model T, bringing costs down and allowing more people to enjoy the pleasures of the auto in the USA...

Why am I blogging about this, something that I feel should be "common knowledge" ??? well a certain someone who should be in the know on things doesn't seem to know basic things and that is a very scary situation.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks Master Ly for your comment and I'm sorry if I came off as a know it all... I wrote that posting while I was mad after a speech from a man who makes people think he is so smart and who employees alot of fact checkers that should have known better in my opinion...

    Your right as well about Wiki... I have to check them before I use them... I check them up against my old 05 addition of MS Encarta
    Thanks again!
