A few differences in today's economic problems vs past problems...
Our population has gotten very old overall... same with most western countries and Japan. You'd think freedom would = large families, but sadly "with great freedom comes great responsibility" and the USA has not lived up to this responsibility in some cases (a more detailed post on this to come)
With a younger population, a country has to grow and create and prosper... so in the past the goal of the state was to put a chicken in every pot and make the trains run on time, and that was easy with a bunch of people around; but with fewer skilled workers to do the jobs that need to be done available now in our time, we find the basics harder to do...
Next, our politics and lawmaking types and the basic citizen has no clue what going on around them in the most general ways. (Again, more detailed posts on why this has happened to come) An example of this is the 40 percent or below correct answer score that the average citizen, college professor, and lawmaker makes on basic civics and international relation quizzes (and math and art and science and Religion etc etc etc)...
So when problems in the makings for 20+ years begin to come together and if the Mr and Mrs FixIts can't even understand the basics, what makes you think they can tackle anything really complicated.
so, I'll have more detailed posts on a bunch with this but now to my topic title... for the next 30 years, the USA will be the artist of the world (as it has become for the most part now for the past 20 years) and like every good artist needs a patron to be able to do the truly great works, so true is this in the fact that we need support, fans if you will, of USA...
that's the optimistic way to view it, sadly, you and I know that this statement might still be true in a few places around the county, but overall, the USA isn't doing a good job in training and encouraging artistic talents and the rest of the world has begun to match and in some cases beat the US in creative pursuits (younger populations, more education, lower taxes on creation and other things maybe the reasons for this) ... so in addition to the artist, support your local Gunfighter, because when the patrons decide to go away back the their castles, the artist will need protection from the things that a morally bankrupted society has created to go bump in the night...
(side note, when I say
artist, its not just the painters, but its also the Engineers, chemists, cooks and chefs, astronomers, photographers, graphic designers, musicians, singers, dancers, actors and poets and a bunch of others... creators of things if you will)
more upbeat and solution based posts to come on this topic...